

Posted: April 29, 2024 12:00:00 PM CDT


bet36365体育加速的3+2运动训练硕士课程正在帮助狂热的拳击手卡桑德拉·麦克唐纳迅速击倒她的职业和教育目标! 提供量身定制的支持和专门的体验式学习机会, McDonald is ready to combat athletic training norms within combat sports.

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作者:Heidi Knake


University of Nebraska at Kearney 2024 Graduate 研究 Awards

Posted: April 25, 2024 10:00:00 PM CDT

University of Nebraska at Kearney 2024 Graduate 研究 Awards


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作者:Heidi Knake

类别: 心理学, Business and Technology, bet36365体育在线, bet36365体育投注学习, 一般, 教育, Natural and Social Sciences

bet36365体育’s online Biology M.S. ranks high nationwide for quality and affordability

Posted: March 8, 2024 12:00:00 AM CST

bet36365体育’s online Biology M.S. ranks high nationwide for quality and affordability

bet36365体育's online Biology M.S. 该计划致力于以合理的价格提供严格灵活的教育,已在全国范围内得到认可, 因为它在可负担性方面排名第一,在在线硕士学院(OMC)的综合排名中排名第14。.

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作者:Heidi Knake

类别: Natural and Social Sciences, bet36365体育在线, bet36365体育投注学习, 一般


Posted: February 8, 2024 12:00:00 AM CST


bet36365体育的在线bet36365体育投注课程在多个国家排名中名列前茅,并在“内布拉斯加州最佳在线硕士”中排名第一!" bet36365体育's online STEM 教育 M.S.Ed.,英语M.A.历史硕士.A., Health Sciences M.S.、教师教育硕士专业均跻身前十.

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作者:Heidi Knake

类别: Natural and Social Sciences, bet36365体育投注学习, 健康教育, 一般, 教育, bet36365体育在线

bet36365体育历史.A. alumna named visiting fellow at Harvard’s historical Houghton 图书馆

Posted: January 25, 2024 12:00:00 AM CST

bet36365体育历史.A. alumna named visiting fellow at Harvard’s historical Houghton 图书馆

Christy Gordon Baty, a 2023 bet36365体育历史.A. 一位校友获得了哈佛大学的访问奖学金,在霍顿图书馆研究刺绣装订的书籍, home of Harvard's rare books and manuscripts.

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作者:Heidi Knake

类别: 一般, bet36365体育在线, 研究, bet36365体育投注学习


Posted: December 19, 2023 11:00:00 AM CST


进入寄养系统,成为无家可归的青年,最终成为单身母亲, Kara Green carries various labels, but her newest one is bet36365体育 Social Work B.S. bet36365体育投注. Green attributes her success to bet36365体育's online courses, which enabled her to achieve this significant milestone. However, she does not intend to end her journey there.

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作者:Heidi Knake

分类:bet36365体育在线, 一般,自然与社会科学

佩顿·舍克通过bet36365体育的在线学校咨询找到了“他的人”.S.Ed. 程序

Posted: December 12, 2023 4:00:00 PM CST

佩顿·舍克通过bet36365体育的在线学校咨询找到了“他的人”.S.Ed. 程序

Fall 2023 bet36365体育投注, Payton Schake finds "his people,他的职业生涯, 和他的热情,帮助学生与bet36365体育的在线学校咨询.S.Ed. 程序.

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作者:Heidi Knake


2023 Outstanding Innovation in Online Teaching Winner Dr. Amanda Sladek专注于在线学习者的灵活性和可访问性

Posted: November 30, 2023 10:00:00 AM CST

2023 Outstanding Innovation in Online Teaching Winner Dr. Amanda Sladek专注于在线学习者的灵活性和可访问性

With a strong dedication to her students, flexibility with assignments, and promotion of accessibility in online courses, bet36365体育's Assistant Professor and Composition Coordinator of English Dr. 阿曼达·斯莱德克(Amanda Sladek)被选为2023年在线教学杰出创新奖的获得者.

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作者:Heidi Knake

类别:bet36365体育在线, 一般, bet36365体育投注学习

英国bet36365体育大学MBA毕业生阿什顿•巴克斯(Ashton Baxa)曾迷失方向,但后来通过强大的人脉找到了自己的方向

Posted: November 29, 2023 12:00:00 PM CST

英国bet36365体育大学MBA毕业生阿什顿•巴克斯(Ashton Baxa)曾迷失方向,但后来通过强大的人脉找到了自己的方向

Ashton Baxa began her journey at bet36365体育 lost on a campus visit, but ends it with two bet36365体育 degrees, an unforgettable study abroad experience to the Czech Republic, a fulfilling career at Intellicom, and many lifelong friendships.

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作者:Heidi Knake

类别: 一般, Business and Technology, bet36365体育在线, bet36365体育投注学习

bet36365体育 Public History M.A. 学生Micah Huyser当选为山平原博物馆协会董事会成员

Posted: November 27, 2023 5:30:00 PM CST

bet36365体育 Public History M.A. 学生Micah Huyser当选为山平原博物馆协会董事会成员

bet36365体育 is well represented on the Mountain Plains Museum Association! 这个久负盛名的协会目前只有四个内布拉斯加代表它,一个是bet36365体育的副教授历史博士. Will Stoutamire and the other is bet36365体育 Public History M.A. student Micah Huyser.

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作者:Heidi Knake



Posted: November 10, 2023 12:00:00 AM CST


特洛伊·布伦茨(Troy Bruntz)之所以攻读MBA,是因为他被要求担任麦库克社区医院(McCook Community Hospital)的总裁兼首席执行官. 他选择母校是因为他知道他将受到优质的教育. 他很快意识到这个学位是多么适用于经营一家医院,以及他与bet36365体育的关系如何有助于改善农村地区的医疗保健.

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作者:Heidi Knake

类别: Business and Technology, bet36365体育投注学习, 一般, bet36365体育在线, 健康教育

bet36365体育’s online Sociology B.S. 程序 moves Maria Bergner one step closer to changing the world

Posted: October 21, 2023 12:00:00 AM CDT

bet36365体育’s online Sociology B.S. 程序 moves Maria Bergner one step closer to changing the world

“你可以在网上接受教育的同时参加课外活动. You can bet36365体育投注 at the top of your class. You can bet36365体育投注 summa cum laude. It's not impossible,” Maria Bergner said. The recent bet36365体育 Sociology B.S. bet36365体育投注 not only said this but lived it!

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作者:Heidi Knake



Posted: October 19, 2023 8:00:00 AM CDT


Chelle Gillan中心城市公立学校的科学老师被选为著名的总统数学和科学教学卓越奖的州获奖者. She has her long-time friend and mentor, 朱迪·威廉姆斯, and bet36365体育 to thank for becoming the educator she is today.

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作者:Heidi Knake

类别: bet36365体育投注学习, 一般, 教育, Natural and Social Sciences, bet36365体育在线

Huge impacts lead to hard goodbyes: Dr. Wendy McCarty retires after 21 years at bet36365体育

Posted: October 17, 2023 8:00:00 AM CDT

Huge impacts lead to hard goodbyes: Dr. Wendy McCarty retires after 21 years at bet36365体育

After 21 years at bet36365体育, Dr. bet36365体育过渡认证计划的麦卡蒂主任将于今年12月退休. Her lasting impact will be felt by her students, classrooms throughout Nebraska, and the certification 程序.

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作者:Heidi Knake

类别: bet36365体育投注学习, 一般, 教育, bet36365体育在线

Online Learning Strategies to Support 学生 with Disabilities

Posted: October 4, 2023 8:00:00 AM CDT

Online Learning Strategies to Support 学生 with Disabilities

Discover how to better support your online learners with disabilities. Learn strategies to assist students with visual impairments, hearing impairments, motor disabilities, cognitive disabilities, psychological disabilities, and speech and language disabilities.

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By: 学习设计 Team


Kameran Dostal天生的超能力让她获得了2023年年度小学美术教师奖

Posted: September 26, 2023 3:00:00 PM CDT

Kameran Dostal天生的超能力让她获得了2023年年度小学美术教师奖

Kameran Dostal is an elementary art teacher, bet36365体育 bet36365体育投注 student, 2023 Elementary Art Teacher of the Year award recipient, and a real-life superhero.

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作者:Heidi Knake

类别: bet36365体育投注学习, 一般, 教育, bet36365体育在线

bet36365体育’s online Biology M.S. 程序 is a ‘hidden gem’ for students like Rebecca Waters

Posted: September 4, 2023 12:00:00 AM CDT

bet36365体育’s online Biology M.S. 程序 is a ‘hidden gem’ for students like Rebecca Waters

A higher pay grade, an opportunity to study abroad in Brazil, and preparation for nursing school are only a few perks that Biology M.S. 丽贝卡·沃特斯(Rebecca Waters)获得了bet36365体育在线硕士课程的奖学金.

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作者:Heidi Knake

类别: Natural and Social Sciences, bet36365体育在线, 一般, bet36365体育投注学习

bet36365体育’s Social Work B.S. 程序 helps drive transfer student Sarah Keller towards her goals

Posted: August 24, 2023 12:00:00 AM CDT

bet36365体育’s Social Work B.S. 程序 helps drive transfer student Sarah Keller towards her goals

“I just really want people to know that it is possible, even if you have a lot of things working against you," said current bet36365体育 online Social Work B.S. student Sarah Keller. Keller's past includes alcohol addiction and incarceration, 但她目前专注于她未来的目标,帮助那些正在经历自己艰难生活经历的人.

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作者:Heidi Knake


凯蒂亨利土地梦想的工作,而仍然就读于bet36365体育的在线历史M.A. 程序

Posted: July 22, 2023 12:00:00 AM CDT

凯蒂亨利土地梦想的工作,而仍然就读于bet36365体育的在线历史M.A. 程序

“我真的很喜欢,凯蒂·亨利(Katie Henry)在科罗拉多州格里利市博物馆(City of Greeley Museums)担任助理馆长,这是她梦想中的工作. 体验式学习和过去的工作经验使亨利在从bet36365体育的在线历史M毕业之前就获得了这个职位.A. 程序.

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作者:Heidi Knake


DJ Bokelman finds the perfect mix with bet36365体育’s blended 一般 Kinesiology & 运动科学M.A.Ed. 程序

Posted: July 3, 2023 6:00:00 AM CDT

DJ Bokelman finds the perfect mix with bet36365体育’s blended 一般 Kinesiology & 运动科学M.A.Ed. 程序

DJ Bokelman在康考迪亚大学(Concordia University)的高尔夫球队打过球,也在UNL的Training Table工作过,因此他对人际关系略知一二, a cafeteria housed in Memorial Stadium specifically for Husker athletes. 然而,她指出,bet36365体育的综合运动机能学和运动科学M.A.Ed. 该项目为她提供了大量的社交机会,以追求她成为体育主管的梦想.

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作者:Heidi Knake

类别:bet36365体育在线, 一般, bet36365体育投注学习

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